Watch Miguel Aguilar, CEO of SMTF, discuss these facilities.

At Self Made Training Facility, we’re absolutely thrilled to shine the spotlight on our Franchises of the Quarter! These three standout facilities – Long Beach Self Made Training Facility, Hollywood Self Made Training Facility, and Del Mar Self Made Training Facility – haven’t just hit their targets—they’ve smashed them. More importantly, they’ve cultivated a culture and environment that embodies the very essence of what we envision for all Self Made franchises.

From the vibrant energy of Long Beach to the star-studded drive of Hollywood, and the coastal dedication of Del Mar, these facilities are redefining the standard of excellence. Their dedication to empowering personal trainers, and their commitment to helping clients achieve their goals is nothing short of inspiring.

To these three franchises: consider this a massive shoutout from the entire Self Made family! We raise a glass to your continued success, to shattering the outdated mold of personal training, and to helping independent trainers transform even more lives across California. You’re proof that when passion meets purpose, extraordinary things happen.

Remember, this is #WhereChampionsAreSelfMade. And Long Beach, Hollywood, and Del Mar? You’re leading the charge.