Trainer Ashley Caligiuri Prepares to Compete in WFBB Fitness Competition May 26-27 in Los Angeles

Ashley Caligiuri, a fitness trainer at Self Made Training Facility in Rancho Cucamonga, California, is gearing up to compete in a WBFF fitness competition this weekend. As an experienced athlete and trainer, Ashley has been dedicated to fitness for years and is excited to take on this new challenge.

Ashley has been involved in fitness for over a decade, starting her journey as a college athlete and eventually becoming a certified personal trainer. She has a passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals and has built a successful career as a trainer at Self Made Training Facility. Ashley has also competed in several fitness competitions in the past and has consistently placed in the top ranks.

This weekend’s competition will be a test of Ashley’s strength, endurance, and overall fitness. She has been training hard for months, focusing on building muscle, increasing her cardiovascular endurance, and perfecting her form for the various exercises she will be performing. In addition to her physical preparation, Ashley has also been following a strict nutrition plan to ensure that her body has the fuel it needs to perform at its best.

Ashley’s dedication to the competition is a testament to her commitment to fitness and her passion for helping others achieve their goals. As a trainer, she knows firsthand the hard work and discipline required to succeed in the fitness world, and she is an inspiration to her clients and colleagues.

Everyone at Self Made Training Facility is cheering Ashley on as she heads into the competition this weekend. We have no doubt that she will give it her all and represent our gym with pride. We can’t wait to see all that she achieves in this competition and in her future endeavors in the world of fitness. Go Ashley!